Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Feeling Normal

I believe that for the 6 people that may actually check this blog once in awhile, the big news is officially out.  In October, Two Fins will become Three Fins!  Today marks hitting week 14! Slowly but surely, we are chugging along. 

The smallest Fin ( now the size of a lemon) is finally letting me feel like an almost functional human being again.  I can now operate on regular hours of sleep again, go to the gym, and have energy to cook real dinners.  On the down side,  I seriously am losing my mind.  Apparently its called pregnancy brain and it does go away, but its crazy!  I always make a detailed list for the grocery store that is written in the rough order of the aisles ( a little ocd, i know) and the past 3 weeks I have forgotten something very important.  Meat for the meatballs, Pizza Crust for the Margherita Pizza and this week, Ravioli for the Baked Ravioli.  It is out of control!

Yesterday I was feeling good, especially after a visit to Russell, so I made some dinner and baked cookies for a co-worker.

Back in March, Jimmy and I made a bet on our secondary brackets for March Madness.  Needless to say, I lost and I finally made good on my bet.

After making 6 dozen of these bad boys, I moved on to a new dinner last night!

Baked Ravioli....made with homemade red sauce and topped with mozzarella and Parmesan

Homemade garlic bread, a first for me...Slathered in butter and garlic

The finished product.  It has been put on the make again list!


  1. He was just talking about you needing to pay up with the cookies! And I'm missing!

  2. Pregnancy Brain does go away. But I'm sad to break it to you, it's replaced by Mommy Brain. I'm not sure which is worse. And nearly 8 years later, I'm still blaming pregnancy hormones for lots of stuff. Sure, it's a crutch, but it works for me. Don't judge!
