Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Fourth of July Weekend

Amazingly, not only did we both have the fourth of july off, we had a three day weekend and we were both IN TOWN!  Madness!

Our good friend Jon was in town for the first part of the weekend to celebrate his 30th birthday!  I think the boys had fun even though it was less eventful than Cory's 30th a few weeks ago.  We spent Saturday wandering around the River Market Antique Mall and eating out since it was about 100 degrees.  Indoor activities were a must.

Sunday we headed over to Lawrence, KS to our friends Jessica & Mike's house.  The plan was to spend the afternoon at the Clinton Lake beach with her family and then a rib dinner at their house later.  Jessica is the handy woman in their house and is putting new treads on their stairs.  She needed help cutting them down, so Cory brought along his pride and joy to help her out: his table saw!

Jessica is a braver woman than I am.  She watched Cory do the first few, then she took over the rest.

What needed to be cut...

Our spot for the day, a tent, chairs and lots of coolers with drinks and fresh fruit!

It ended up a being a beautiful afternoon after a rainy morning!

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